For the tenth year in a row, we are once again hosting our holiday adopt-a-family program.
This year we have 175 local families signed up in need of assistance. These families represent our clients. We are closely working with each of them to help them get back on their feet. Paying for holiday gifts for their children can feel unattainable while they’re busy working or tending to basic family needs.
Our holiday family adoption program has the lowest barrier of entry in the community – we dos not mandate proof of income we recognize the diverse circumstances within each family. We do, however, request proof of guardianship.
If you're interested in supporting women and children at our center, you can participate in one of three easy ways:
By calling the center at (775) 825-7395 Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or Fridays 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
By emailing holidayhelp@waccs.org and including contact information and preferred family size or budget.
Or by filling out this Google Form. Once matched, you will receive a list with their "needs" (such as clothing or shoes) and "wants" (like toys or games) to help make their holiday season extra special.
The deadline for dropping off gifts is Monday, December 16 by 6:00 p.m. at the WACCS office. We are asking donors to wrap gifts and include a label on the outside indicating for whom the gift is intended. If you don’t have time to shop, we are also accepting monetary donations via the our website or via our WACCS Amazon Wish List.
Thank you for your generosity in helping families in need this holiday season! By signing up to adopt a family, you'll bring joy to a local family by fulfilling their holiday wishlist.
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